Commitment- to pledge or assign to some particular course or use.
Think about that for a moment. What did you set out to accomplish when you first began training? Have you achieved it? If you have great, if not I'm willing to bet it was for a lack of commitment.
You can have the best routine, the best diet or even the best coach(ME). However if you haven't truly committed yourself, you will not succeed.
Let me tell you a story of commitment. Adler Volmar wasn't supposed to make the U.S Olympic team for Judo this year. At least that is what he was told by doctors. Adler tore 2 ligaments and his cartilage in his knee 5 months before the Olympic trails. He needed a complete knee reconstruction. You know the surgery that keeps your favorite NFL player out for over a year.
Problem was Adler refused to quit. At that very moment he committed. Not to going to the Olympics, but rather to win the gold(goal setting).
After surgery to his knee on February 5Th, it became Adler's mission to vigorously rehabilitate his body and his mind(visualization). 8 hour days of 3 workouts a day, not to mention his duties at home as a husband and father or 3 young kids.
Words cannot describe how proud I am to be Adler's friend. I write this just after hanging up the phone with Alder from Beijing, China. Where he is in his final gold medal preparations...That's right, he won the Olympic trials.
1 comment:
That is AWESOME news about Adler!
Um, is there anyway you can bottle up some commitment and send me some? I lack a desire to lift heavy things or move for long periods of time unless it involves typing. While I now have piano skinny finger, the thighs and upper arms could use a little love.
keep posting, maybe I'll find that self motivation people keep whispering about ;-)
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