Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bros and hose

Sorry about the title I couldn't resist. In strength and conditioning circles climbing ropes have been used for years. Recently two have been anchored together to create an exercise called "battling ropes". A unique exercise that challenges grip, lats, legs, chest and abs. It is also brutal on your lungs. Here at UFC we like to take it to the next level. Enter the battling fire hose.

Heavier than the ropes, harder to grip and best of all you can get them FREE! You read that right. Go to a fire station and ask them for an old fire hose, they regularly replace the old tattered ones. saw off the end caps and get to work. Start with 30 second rounds with 60 second rest intervals. Do it!


Anonymous said...

not all of us had a saw... some of us cannot be trusted around sharp objects right now.

I could put a fire out with these arms ;)

Trevor Jaffe said...

give the saw to dj sharpe and the hose would put out that fire faster than you could imagine.